
Since the start of covid cases surge in London, many Londoners have experienced a paradigm shift in their lives. The introduction of national lockdown in Mar as a response to the pandemic by the government has largely affected people’s movement inside the region.

The mobility score has indicated such response to policies aimed at combating COVID-19. The reports chart movement trends over time by London boroughs, where the average of mobility of each borough every month were calculated by taking the arithmetic mean across different categories of places such as retail and recreation, groceries and pharmacies, parks, transit stations.

The interactive map shows the latest prevalence of covid-19 mobility scores by London boroughs from mar-dec 2020. Mobility scores in the worst affected boroughs are nearly doubled (in terms of the negative value) compared to those in the least affected boroughs.

As we see gradual ease in the cases from the above maps after the first lockdown. Londen has in general begin to have more movement. The declines in new case rates were levelling off in most metropolitan boroughs and a handful was showing signs of rising again before introducing the second lockdown.



London Mobility in 2020


Mobility score: Google. London borough data: GLA.