



Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), also known as the coronavirus, or COVID, is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). The disease has spread worldwide, leading to an ongoing pandemic. This pandemic has reached almost every country in the world, counting 220 countries and territories around the world have been affected. By 14th may, it was reported a total of 160,813,869 confirmed cases Globally, including 3,339,002 deaths according to the WHO. As of 11 May 2021, a total of 1,264,164,553 vaccine doses have been administered.The world has been heavily affected by the pandemic, as COVID‐19 is characterized by its rapid human‐to‐human transmission and the potential of asymptomatic cases to infect others. Many countries implemented social isolation measures to reduce community spread, these are termed as “quarantine” and “social distancing”.

United Kingdom

The virus reached the UK in late January 2020. Up to 24 March 2021, there have been 4.4 million cases confirmed and 127,543 deaths overall among people who had recently tested positive – the world's fourteenth-highest death rate by population, the highest death toll in Europe according to the Times. BBC states that Coronavirus’ pandemic has left national economies and businesses counting the costs, as governments struggle with new lockdown measures to tackle the spread of the virus Despite the development of new vaccines, many are still wondering what recovery could look like.

Before we dive into the UK COVID situation, let's start by having a general overview of how the global COVID pandemic had evolved?

Here is a knowledge extension of global cases for you!

Cases in the United Kingdom took an interesting roller-coaster ride.

As London is the firstly and mostly corona-affected area in UK, let’s focus on cases in London to see what is happening during COVID pandemic.

What about deaths in London?

reports indicate how Londoners’ movement has been affected by the pandemic.

A choropleth map below aids the report which shows the change in each London borough.

Wouldn’t it be nice to see how Londoners’ mobility changes?

Please see the choropleth map below!

Increases in cases in London and the UK as a whole dropped a lot.

Lockdown and vaccination must played a huge row in this.

Want to know where to take vaccines?

Please scroll down!

There are more vaccination sites in inner London boroughs than the outer boroughs.

Does it mean central London has a higher vaccination rate?

The story of COVID-19 is still going on...

We are a lovely team to construct this website:

Jinjin Bai, Jiahao Chen, Lingru Feng and Yunzhi Yang

from CASA, UCL

Group 15

Thank you for watching!